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Case number:


Type of case:

Deception of consumers

Undertaking(s) concerned:

Club Karaván and CKI & Partner's


The Competition Council concluded that the information placed on the homepage of the Club Karaván regarding the air-conditioning of the caravans offered for rent was misleading. The Club Karaván falsely alleged that the caravans come with air-conditioning, whereas only air circulating systems were installed in the vehicles. The same infringement was committed by CKI & Partner's, an undertaking pursuing its activities on commission by Club Karaván. Yet another infringement was committed by Club Karaván by indicating on its homepage that the caravans were of a value of HUF 4,5 million respectively although it was not true.


Club Karaván and CKI & Partner's infringed the provisions on the prohibition of unfair manipulation of consumer choice of the Hungarian Competition Act. The Competition Council imposed a fine of HUF 500.000 (approx. EUR 1800) on Club Karaván. No fine was imposed on CKI & Partner's.


Budapest, 4 July 2006