Decision of the Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal - GVH) Vj-44/2006: Club Karaván and CKI & Partner`s

The Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal - GVH) established in its decision, issued on 4 July 2006, that Club Karaván and CKI & Partner`s infringed the provisions on the prohibition of unfair manipulation of consumer choice of the Hungarian Competition Act.

In the competition supervision proceeding the Competition Council of the GVH concluded that the Internet homepage of Club Karaván, which stated, that its product, a caravan, has air-conditioning, but in fact, it did not possess such a feature, misled consumers. The same infringement was committed by CKI & Partner`s, an undertaking charged by Club Karaván. Also, the Internet homepage of Club Karaván, which indicated that the caravan, which it was letting, had a value of HUF 4,5 million was not true.

The Competition Council of the GVH imposed a fine of HUF 500.000 (approx. EUR 1800) on Club Karaván for its unlawful behaviour. As for CKI & Partner`s, the Competition Council did not impose a fine.

Budapest, 4 July, 2006

Hungarian Competition Authority
Communication Group

Further information:
Erika Baráth
Hungarian Competition Authority
1054 Budapest, V., Alkotmány u.5.
1245 Budapest, 5. Pf. 1036
tel: (+36-1) 472-8902