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Case number:

Vj-124/2008 and Vj-125/2008

Type of case:

Mergers and acquisitions

Undertaking(s) concerned:

Bonitás 2002 Befektető és Tanácsadó Kft.
Tendre Takarmányipari Kft.
Dr. ELF Kft.
Forrás Vagyonkezelési és Befektetési Nyrt.

Short description:

Bonitás 2002 Befektető és Tanácsadó Kft. (investment and consulting company, hereinafter Bonitas) aqcuired 50% of the shares of Tendre Takarmányipari Kft. (animal feed company, hereinafter Tendre) from Dr. ELF Kft. on 3 August 2007. The other 50% of the shares of Tendre Kft. is held by Forrás Vagyonkezelési és Befektetési Nyrt. (property management and investment company, hereinafter Forrás).


The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) imposed a total fine of HUF 27 million (approx. EUR 90 thousand) on Bonitás 2002 and Tendre for failing to submit an application for the authorization of the planned concentration, however the concentration was finally authorised by the GVH.


21 April 2009

English summary of the decision in PDF