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Case number:


Type of case:


Undertaking(s) concerned:

Ringier Kft., Népszabadság Zrt., Sanoma Zrt. MédiaLog Zrt, F-Log AG, MEV, Magyar Telekom, IKO Production Media Kft. (IKO)

Short description:

The GVH has recently authorised three transactions in the media world. The decision that allows Ringier Kft., Népszabadság Zrt., and Sanoma Zrt. to gain indirect control over MédiaLog Zrt. affects the newspaper distribution market. Changes in the television and mobile content provider market are caused by Magyar Telekom's quitting the undertaking that operatesthe TV channel RTL Klub, at the same time acquiring one of the leading undertakings in the mobile content provider market.


The GVH authorised the transactions


12 June 2008

English summary of the decision in PDF