Based on the received complaints and market notices referring to uncertainty and the experiences derived from conducted competition procedures, the GVH decided that it needed to draw consumers’ and undertakings’ attention to the misleading information methods employed in several areas.
Launched on 20 October 2015, the aim of the “Think Through Calmly” campaign of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) is to help consumers and undertakings realise the misleading nature of advertisements and to support their decisions with its suggestions.
In this recently launched communication campaign, the GVH addresses a large number of subjects and advises both consumers and undertakings on what factors they should take into consideration before making decisions.
In these first informative consumer prospectuses – through leaflets, posters and electronic direct marketing e-mails – the competition authority responds to the abuses concerning fictive bills products curing cancer, product fairs, timeshares, dietary products and travel offers. These guides will be followed by others.
The brochures of the campaign are also available on the webpage of the GVH, under the option of Gondolja Végig Higgadtan.
Budapest, 19 October 2015
Hungarian Competition Authority
Further information:
Andrea BASA
Mail: 1054 Budapest, Alkotmány u. 5.
Postal address: 1391 Budapest, 62. POB 211
Tel: (+36-1) 472-8902
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