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A delegation of the Czech Competition Authority visited the GVH

Mr. Martin Pescina, the President and other members of the Czech Competition Authority invited by dr. Zoltán Nagy, the President of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) on the 26th July 2006 participated in professional workshop of the GVH in order to lay down the basis of a bilateral co-operation.

The programme of the professional workshop started with a plenary session in the frame of which the leaders of the Czech and Hungarian Competition Authorities had the opportunity to introduce the operation of their institutes and the actual competition supervision proceedings. Afterwards the experts had short discussions on topics of mutual interest concerning in particular cases of the energy market, the competition supervision proceedings in the field of professional services, the types of international multilateral co-operation, as well as the development of competition culture by laying emphasis especially on the importance of the information of consumers. The leaders of the competition authorities also agreed on joint organisation of seminars and other professional programmes in order to encourage the development of the professional work of the competition authorities as a contribution to the increase of consumer welfare.

Budapest, 28. 07. 2006.

Hungarian Competition Authority
Communication Group

Further information:
Erika Baráth
Hungarian Competition Authority
1054 Budapest, V., Alkotmány u.5.
1245 Budapest, 5. Pf. 1036
tel: (+36-1) 472-8985