The President of the Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH, Hungarian Competition Authority) is nominated by the Prime Minister and appointed for six years by the President of the Republic. After the expiry of the six-year period the President may be re-appointed more than one time. The President of the GVH - similarly to the Vice Presidents - must be nominated within the three-month period preceding the date of expiry of the term of appointment of his/her predecessor, and the procedure required for his/her appointment must be concluded as early as one month before the date of expiry of the preceding appointment.
Under the Competition Act the President directs the activities of the Authority and he/she is responsible for the performance of the tasks statutes give to the GVH, which is checked by Parliament, based on the annual reports of the President on the activities of the Authority and on his/her law enforcement experiences. The President represents the GVH in the sessions of Parliament, the Government and the Cabinet of Economy and in international organisations. When requested, the President gives expert advice to Parliament or to the Government on issues relating to economic competition. The President is responsible for the development of competition culture in Hungary.
To ensure the observance of the law, the President directs the internal activities within the Authority and exercises the rights of employer, except for the appointment and dismissal of the members of the Competition Council.
The General Secretary and the Secretariat of the President are under the direct control of the President, and the President exercises direct supervision of the Competition Policy Section, the Chief Economist and the Accounting Unit.